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三国演义连环画(四大名著) app for iPhone and iPad

4.0 ( 0 ratings )
Entertainment Book
Developer: GoodApp
3.99 USD
Current version: 1.1, last update: 2 months ago
First release : 13 Oct 2011
App size: 0 Bytes

Among all the editions of “the Romance of the Three Kingdoms” comic strips, it is the most classic edition of great value for collectors.
The most famous and classic comic edition of “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” was issued in Aug. 1958,divided into 60 volumes. You can rarely see such a masterpiece in comic strips’ history. Scores of talent painters and editors from all over the country spent dozens of years, devoting themselves to organizing and designing it. With several decades’ spread, “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” has been regarded as a cultural symbol of times as well as a milestone, not just a name card!
“The romance of the Three Kingdoms” whose author is Luo Guanzhong, is one of “Four Famous” in China, and also the classics of historical romance novels. Many strategists, politicians, literatus and scientists emerge in the story, such as Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Zhuge Liang and Ma Chao, who are known to all as legendary heroes. And also Cao Cao, Sima Yi, Xu Chu, Dian Wei, Sun Quan, Zhou Yu and Lu Xun are always been talked about by later generations. You can also find that many battles in “Three Kingdoms”, like Battle of Guandu, Battle of Chibi, Fire with Camp, Open City Strategy, Seven Escapes of Meng Huo, have also set good examples for the later military battles.

《三国演义》是中国第一部长篇章回体历史小说。58年8月1版的《三国演义》是最经典的一部连环画, 本套连环画分60册。其影响之大, 在连环画史上绝无仅有。它汇聚全国优秀绘画及文本作者达几十人之多, 历时数载, 全力组织, 精心策划, 经过几十年的传播, 《三国演义》不仅成为连环画的一张名片, 也转换成一个时代的文化符号, 成为里程碑式的经典之作。
《三国演义》,全名《三国志通俗演义》(英文名:The Legend of Three Kingdoms), 作者罗贯中, 为中国四大名著之一, 是历史演义小说的经典之作。《三国演义中》不乏军事家、战争家、文学家、科学家。其中刘备、关羽、张飞、赵云、黄忠、诸葛亮、马超等英雄人物具有传奇色彩。曹操、司马懿、许褚、典韦、孙权、周瑜、陆逊等诸多豪杰也一直被后人讨论。官渡之战、赤壁之战、火烧连营、空城计、七擒孟获等经典战役也成为后世军事战争的典范。
《三国演义》(共60册)是《三国演义》的连环画版, 分别为:桃园结义、董卓进京、捉放曹、虎牢关、跨江击刘表、凤仪亭、犯长安、三让徐州、李郭交兵、小霸王孙策、辕门射戟、战宛城、白六楼、煮酒论英雄、吉平下毒、白马城、千里走单骑、战官渡、定四州、马跃檀溪、走马荐诸葛、三顾茅庐、火烧新野、长坂坡、舌战群儒、群英会、赤壁大战、取南部、战长沙、甘露寺、三气周瑜、反西凉、张松献地图、截江夺阿斗、取成都、单刀会、濡须之战、定军山、水淹七军、走麦城、兄弟争王、火烧连营、安居平五路、七擒孟获、天水关、擒孟达、空城计、赚曹休、八卦阵、诸葛装神、五丈原、政归司马氏、铁笼山、讨司马、姜邓斗智、姜维避祸、二士争功、三国归晋。